TFF-Transnational logotyp
Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research


Welcome to use TFF materials
© 1986 till today - is an invitation to freely reprint, repost and disseminate any article provided you clearly acknowledge the source and make a link to the original article here.


A place to be filled with new dimensions in the future...

We might return to Georgia where we did fact-finding in 1994.

Or to Greenland where we discussed Greenland's role in the Ballistic Missile Defence and where oil is going to be so important for the future.

What do you think is important to focus on the next 10-15 years - with a pro-peace approach?

If you have any suggestions as to what TFF should focus on in the future, please write to us under TFF Info/Contact & FAQs.

By 2017 we suggest you go to TFF 2011-2017 Associates and Themes blog and to The Transnational.