I support TFF because...
Succinct analyses
I hope very much you receive enough funding to survive and even to expand. The reason why I want to support TFF is that its information is extremely well researched, independent and committed to peace and non-violence.
There are many peace organizations, but none that I know of that has such a succinct analysis of events.
Nora Rätzel, sociologist, Umeå, Sweden
TFF gets behind the CNN/New York Times versions of reality
TFF has grown in stature to become a truly indispensable source, especially here in the US, to get behind the CNN/NYT versions of reality!
Richard Falk, professor emeritus,
Printon and Santa Barbara, USA
My reasons for supporting TFF are:
- your diligence
- your orientation towards peace solutions
- your benevolence
- the diversity within/of your scope
Nebojsa Matic, Norway
I was depressed about the world...but then I found TFF
I have been working for peace in many ways for many years - mostly grass-root level. I was quite depressed and helpless with the way the new Century started out - and then I met your encouraging service and newsletters. Thank you and I'll think of TFF if and when I grassroot-organize og -network
Ann Thorsted, Denmark
TFF er en terrier...
Hukommelsen er kort og det uanede antal manipulationsmuligheder mangfoldige.
TFF er terrieren der bider i buksebenet...
Elisabeth Bergsøe, Denmark
Vi er ikke altid enige men vil ikke undvære TFF
"Vi støtter TFF fordi vi gennem vort eget virke har konstateret hvor langt der er blevet mellem seriøse, uafhængige nyhedsformidlere. Vi er ikke enige i alt, hvad der fremføres fra TFF, men vi vil ikke være foruden den dedikerede, alternative stemme midt i det kommercielle mediebrøl..."
Elsbøl & Christensen, Malmö, Sweden
TFF giver et andet indblik i verden end mediernes retorik og fordomme
TFF udfører et stort arbejde for at levere analyser af internationale konflikter, analyser som giver et andet indblik end det vi før gennem mediernes retorik og ofte fordomsfulde dækning. Gennem TFFs første 20 år har institutionen været til stede med analyser af konflikter over hele verden. I dag fokuseres på Mellemøsten, Irak, Balkan, ligesom TFF har et program for Burundi med henblik på at skabe fred og forstøelse. Også i Sverige arbejder TFF konkret i integrationsarbejdet.
Den alternative viden som TFF fremdrager har stor betydning for mennesker som vil orientere sig i verden. Forudsætningerne for institutionens arbejde med både at analysere problemerne og medvirke til forståelse og integration er de bedst tænkelige. Institutionen bygger på et tankegods udviklet af den indiske ikke-voldsforkæmper Mahatma Gandhi, og til TFF er knyttet et globalt netværk af freds-og konfliktforskere, tænkere og fredsaktivister. TFF gør en tiltrængt indsats. Derfor støtter jeg TFF.
Ivar Lærkesen, Denmark
Greater awareness
The only way we can create the wonderful societies and civilizations we are all wishing for is by creating them ourselves. It all starts with education and independent thinking, and TFF is one of the best examples of a dynamic organization devoted to the enlightenment of the people through the fostering of greater awareness and critical thinking. I hope many more people will support TFF in order to increase our chances of making the world a better place.
Dr. Olivier Urbain
Professor of Modern Languages and Peace Studies, Soka University, Japan &
Transcend Peace University, Romania &
Founder and Director of the Transcend: Art and Peace Network (T:AP), Japan/Hawaii
Effekten er stor, fred kan vindes uden vold
Jeg støtter TFF, fordi jeg har stor tillid til Jan Öberg, som jeg første gang hørte om i en radioudsendelse for cirka fire år siden. Hans udtalelser og holdninger gik rennt ind hos mig. Det giver så meget mening, og sikken et kæmpearbejde, han gør. Derfor glæder det mig, hver gang jeg modtager en nyhedsmal om nye tiltag og artikler, at se hvor mange mennesker, der efterhænden har fulgt op på Jan Öbergs initiativ. Jeg er sikker på, at effekten er stor, og jeg tror på, at freden kan vindes uden vold. Med vold er det umuligt.
Kirsten Fauken, Denmark
Talerør for dem der lider
Etablissementets politiske korrekthed og selvgodhed lever i værste velgørende, i al ubemærkethed. Her er det ok. at gå i krig mod Irak uden FN-mandat og at ignorere FN's påtale af Israels gentagne overskridelser at menneskerettighederne. Den globale klassedeling lever de militærindustrielle firmaer af.
Det uafhængige TFF er talerør for de mange, mange mennesker, der rammes af Vestens interesser og - frelsthed.
E B, Denmark
I am grateful to TFF because of the balanced outlook in its presentation of news items. As someone who sees global peace and security in holistic terms - environmental, economic, military/political and psychological/ethical - I find TFF broadens my insights through a valuable range of up to date information. I gladly recommend it.
Eirwen Harbottle, England
Peace prescriptions...cutting edge
Your conflict analysis and peace prescriptions in areas of incipient violence are, I think, "cutting-edge" work in war prevention. I think you and Johan Galtung point the way in this necessary advance. Also you bring to me lots of interesting and useful articles on peace issues. I don't manage to read all of them, but am always glad when I do.
Joanna Santa Barbara, USA
You really try to reach out and do a lot with small money...
I think TFF is great because you really do reach out and try to get attention for the peace message in the world at large. I think you do a lot with a small amount of money.
Richard Bass
Useful for education...
Our contribution is small compared with the fantastic PressInfos we get. We use them in our classes and spread them elsewhere.
Rex Schade, Denmark
I save time using TFF...
I haven't got time to chase up all the news and views about the things that matter in the world. What I need is analysis based on values that I support and which I can access quickly and easily. TFF provides that for me.
Philip White
Fresh way of looking at things...not like the others...
I have been looking for a fresh way to see things. Your site hit me at the right time. Your approach was not tied to one point of view. I scan different sites and after a while I see "where they come from" But not yours. I just felt I wanted to express myself and reach out in some small way.
Dan Good
Independent thoughts so much needed now...
In a world in which information is manipulated, independent thought is increasingly precious, I find TFF's newsletters and perspectives constantly refreshing and exciting to read. I often forward them to others. I think it would be a tragedy if TFF were unable to continue its work due to lack of funds. That's why I decided to add my personal support to this great cause.
Joan Anderson, Japan/England
You expose the real dangers after September 11...
We believe that a legitimate response to 9-11 has become an excuse to justify imperialist activity throughout the world by the US. This is a threat to our future as a democracy as well as a danger to others. We appreciate TFF for exposing these dangers and the true reasons behind them.
Bob and Viv Plonsey
Countering official lies and furthering debate...
Discussion has declined. Self interest - often short term and couched as propaganda, not informing - has increased. Leaders can again lie to their people and be almost assured of getting away with it. The media is the major source of information for the people. Your attempts to provide more considered and factual analysis seem to me important in such a context.
Douglas Jones
The present situation...
We desperately need the voice of TFF in the world right now.
Alice Sather
lear-sighted, calm, dedicated, move from the heart...
It seems increasingly rare to find on-the-ground voices who are clear-sighted, calm, and willing to dedicate themselves to doing what is within their capability, knowing that resources are limited. At the Peace Conference at which I met Jan, his was the only presentation which moved from the heart, contactful, personable and with humor in view of such grand-scale affront to humanity. For my sixtieth birthday, I invited my friends to sign up for the TFF newsletter and to give in the way I wished I could.
David Carr
Voice of sanity...and by donating I can DO something...
TFF is a voice of sanity, reason and hope in a (western) world that is increasingly acquiescent to the insanity, unreason and doom being propagated by the current regime in the US. I am proud to be able to play a small part in its continued, much needed, existence.
David Lubell
TFF has been a free gift to me...we must come together...
Like many others, I have been meaning to send a donation to TFF for many months. I have been enriched by their free gifts to me. Peace depends on us working together and sharing resources.
Bob Forsberg
You're on the ground. Valuable source of ideas. You feature good works by others
I appreciate your efforts to do on-the-ground conflict analyses. I find your 'prescriptions' for helpful intervention valuable sources of ideas. Your own articles are thoughtful and informed resource material for me. Your selection of work from others is well chosen. I want you to be able to keep doing what you do so well.
The peace movement is more significant than ever to Europe...
The value and meaning of the peace movement is more significant than ever to Europe at this particular time in its history. Not only does it stand against an illegal and unjust war against an unfortunate people, but equally importantly it stands for the enforcement of international law trampled by the hyper power and also it reveals those who want Europe to emerge as a new political autonomous entity concerned by the stability and welfare of the whole planet and humankind.
Francois Ettori
We live in dangerous times...your Iraq information
In my opinion TFF`s work for peace and peaceful solutions is very valuable, particularly in these very dangerous times. TFF deserves my donation - also in the future! It is much more constructive and sustainable to sit down and negotiate than send bombers to kill people! Simply, it is encouraging to know that TFF exists. I am thankful for all your information on different issues, lately especially on Iraq.
Riitta Heinonen, Finland
TFF has the guts to keep on working for alternatives and civilian conflict-resolution...
Since the 1980th, I have admired your knowledge and guts to work for alternatives and civilian conflict-resolution. I have been a member of TFF ever since. The information I receive from TFF is crucial for keeping updated of what is happing around the world, who is writing what, projects going on, reports from travels and all the alternative information that you two are giving us.
Trine Eklund, Norway
NATO School student supports TFF's ideas
The reason I want to support TFF is because I had a wonderful opportunity last week to listen to Dr. Oberg at NATO School and I am totally agree with his ideas about peace and conflicts. Congratulations, Dr. Oberg and TFF !
For a Culture of Peace
I must thank you for your work, spreading a culture of peace and above all for your PressInfos and for your truinto UN in spite of everything. Your PressInfos open our eyes to see the reality. They are a source of alternative information for the people of peace! We need it!
Giacinto Figini, Italy
Alternative perspektiver jeg ikke før andre steder
TFF betyder for mig, at jeg får reelle oplysninger om verdens brændpunkter - oplysninger, som jeg ikke selv ville kunne finde andre steder, og som afbalancerer de oplysninger, som jeg får gennem aviser og TV normalt. Som kvæker har jeg i mange år arbejdet for fred og ikke-voldelig konfliktløsning. TFF giver mig en basis for at dele vigtige oplysninger om krig og fred med andre og selv følge med.
Ulla Moltved, Danmark