Dear visitor!
From January 1, 2018 this is an open archive.
From this date, TFF is found on The Transnational. It is TFF's homepage, TFF Associates' blog and a multi-thematic magazine in one.
Thus, this site with its blog serves as an open archive of TFF's projects and publications 2012-2017.
The "Old Website" menu above is an open archive covering 1997-2011.
If you are interested in TFF before it got on the Internet - 1986-1996 - go here.
In total, around 7000 accessible articles over 20 years and, thus, one of the largest archives of peace research-based and policy-oriented analyses.
We regret that, as years pass, minor aspects of this site and the old site may not function entirely as intended. Technology changes continuously and some bits may become outdated, even incompatible, with new ones. And you may hit a few dead links to external sites because they change archives or technology or have closed down.
That said, look around here for peace and conflict issues in contemporary history or go straigth to The Transnational.
Selected TFF PressInfos & Highlights
December 30, 2017
New peace platform: The Transnational. By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo # 418 - subscribe to it and get the next ones

December 12, 2017
Aleppo's liberation one year ago - Anybody ashamed today?
TFF PressInfo # 438 - subscribe to it and get the next ones
December 5, 2017
The US has most to lose in the ongoing media war with Russia. Oberg Comments
November 28, 2017
Johan Galtung is awarded peace prize in Nobel's spirit
TFF PressInfo # 437 - subscribe to it and get the next ones
November 24, 2017
The Prince of human rights got it all wrong and we are stille waiting. By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo # 436 - subscribe to it and get the next ones
November 21, 2017
What makes Google's Eric Schmidt so afraid? And what should he be afraid of? By Jan Oberg
Various perspectives on the increasing censorship
November 5, 2017
Nuclear weapons use within months - Part 1: Why?. By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo # 434 - subscribe to it and get the next ones
October 26, 2017
Establish an international Tribunal or Commission on the International War in Syria. Oberg Comments
Instead of playing the blame game around single events such as chemical attacks. Comment and proposal on PressTV
October 23, 2017
Getting B-52s ready - for what? Jan Oberg Comments
Is Jimmy Carter at 93 really the only one who offers to help? The whole thing is dead dangerous...
October 19, 2017
Europe must co-operate intensely with Iran now. Oberg Comments
It's not enough that the EU issues statements. It must act and ignore the US resistance to the Iran nuclear deal
October 16, 2017
Europe should stop Trump from starting another war in the Middle East. By Farhang Jahanpour
TFF PressInfo # 431 - subscribe to it and get the next ones
October 5, 2017
Jan Oberg on why the new French anti-terror laws will only please the terrorists. One issue has not been discussed since 2001 and thus these laws are also only symptom treatment
September 29, 2017
Revisiting Hiroshima in Iran. By Gunnar Westberg
About a very disturbing survey that shows that US citizens accept the use of nuclear weapons on Iran
September 10, 2017
Jan Oberg on why NATO is obsolete and should be closed down
July 18, 2017
U.S. State Department aproves US$ 4 bn Patriot missile deal with Romania. Jan Oberg says it's irrational, not defensive but dangerous
July 8, 2017
The BAN Treaty - Iran and other countries Jan Oberg comments on the UN BAN Treaty, Iran's signature and the countries that did not even participate.
June 13, 2017
Humankind 2050: Peace, Development And Environment. By Johan Galtung
TFF PressInfo # 418 - subscribe to it and get the next ones
June 8, 2017
Intellectual nonsense by US Sec of Defence about Syria
What's offensive and what's defensive in Syria? Comments on RT by Jan Oberg
May 30, 2017
The future of European-US relations.
The Debate on PressTV with Jim Walsh, MIT in the US and Jan Oberg, TFF in Sweden.
May 25, 2017 - NATO is NATOutdated: 8 arguments - By Jan Oberg
May 23, 2017
Trump's arms deal with Saudi Arabia and what it will mean for the future. By Sharmine Narwani
Narwani on Russia Today
May 22, 2017
Trump's historically catastrophic speech in Riyadh. By Jan Oberg
TFF Live as an intro to the recent TFF PressInfo
May 22, 2017
Trump in Riyadh - A Gulf NATO to gang up against Iran and Syria. By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo # 414 - subscribe to it and get the next ones
May 3, 2017
Safe - or de-escalation - zones in Syria: Very problematic!
Jan Oberg comments on Putin's and Erdogan's proposal
May 1, 2017
Workers of the world, unite for peace! - Jan Oberg on TFF Live
TFF Live on Facebook
April 25, 2017
PressTV's "The Debate" about Syria, the media coverage and international law. Illustrating two perspectives
The Debate - Brutal Bloodshed with Jan Oberg and Richard Millett by presstv
April 8, 2017
The U.S. attack on al-Shayrat airfield. By Richard Falk
TFF PressInfo # 413 - subscribe to it and get the next ones
NEW Since February 2017
TFF Live on Facebook
Follow the pointed comments and educationals - direct broadcast and videos
March 30, 2017
The US general in Europe is dishonest and beyond the rational. By Jan Oberg
Oberg's comments on Sputnik, Soundcloud and article
March 28, 2017
How the UN should respond in the age of global dissent. By Hans von Sponeck, Richard Falk and Denis Halliday
Two TFF Associates, all three UN veterans expression their deep concern but also ways out to save the UN
March 28, 2017
Defending the UN against Trump's erasing the UN. By Richard Falk
TFF PressInfo # 411 - subscribe to it and get the next ones
March 24, 2017
The Meaninglessness Of War. Aleppo. Photo story by Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo # 410 - subscribe to it and get the next ones
March 22, 2017
America's woes and Europe's responsibilities. By Farhang Jahanpour
TFF PressInfo # 409 - subscribe to it and get the next ones
March 3, 2017
"Vittnesrapport från Aleppo, en annorlunda konfliktanalys och vägar till fred i Syrien" -
February 16, 2017
Discussing NATO, Russia, Ukraine, Crimea, Yugoslavia, Syria and the - outdated philosophy NATO is based on - with former U.S. assistant Secretary of Defence, Lawrence Korb
February 5, 2017
School in an Aleppo factory. By Jan Oberg
TFF Photo Story - subscribe to it and get the next ones
January-February 2017
TFF in Syria - Damascus and Aleppo when it fell/was liberated
Most of what Jan Oberg has reported and most of the debate it has caused is, until further, to be found at three places: On TFF's blog, on Facebook and on Exposure (photo stories) - all of them being seen by thousands per day.
January 27, 2017
Comment on Syria ceasefire talks in Astana. By Jan Oberg
Sceptic - wrong approach to peace. But let's hope
January 26, 2017
US Congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard (D) visits Syria. By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo # 399
January 25, 2017
Trump's pre-Fascism and progressive populist opportunities. By Richard Falk
TFF PressInfo # 402 - subscribe to it and get the next ones
January 21, 2017
Faces of Aleppo. Just of of 4,5 years of occupation hell. By Jan Oberg
TFF Photo Story - subscribe to it and get the next ones
January 20, 2017
From Obama to Trump. Commenting on the inauguration with David Swanson
Iran's international PressTV - subscribe to it and get the next ones
January 18, 2017
Don't touch the nuclear with Iran, Trump!
January 17, 2017
Jan Oberg speaks at length about the need for a new way of thinking when we handle international conflicts. With US-based Naskah Zada
January 16, 2017
Jan Oberg comments positively on the EU's commitment to the nuclear deal with Iran
January 13, 2017
Syria and Aleppo: Old news media falling. By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo # 398 - subscribe to it and get the next ones
January 5, 2017
Jan Oberg's advocates a new peacebuilding process in Ukraine, warns against arming the OSCE police and argues that the Cold war will change with Trump
December 29, 2016
TFF Photo Story: The humans in liberated Aleppo. By Jan Oberg
TFF Photo Story - subscribe to it and get the next ones
December 28, 2016
TFF Photo Story: The destruction of Eastern Aleppo. By Jan Oberg
TFF Photo Story - subscribe to it and get the next ones
December 18, 2016
TFF PressInfo: Syria's destruction: When everybody think power and no one thinks peace. By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 397
December 12, 2016
Will terrorists return to Europe? And what can be done?
Jan Oberg comments and advocates a new peace policy
November 6, 2016
Jan Oberg's comments on Erdogan's accusation against the West. Correct but he is not the right man. Imagine instead a Middle East without weapons
November 2, 2016
TFF PressInfo: Just how grey are the White Helmets and their backers? By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 392
October 27, 2016
TFF PressInfo: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI, at 50: Now change name to SIMSI - By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 391
October 26, 2016
TFF PressInfo: Ten articles on the New Cold War - By TFF Associates
TFF PressInfo 390
September 28, 2016
US Security analyst Lawrence Korb & Jan Oberg in debate about U.S. nuclear policies and the No-First Use idea
September 24, 2016
Europe's ongoing failure handling refugees. Interview by PressTV of Jan Oberg
It is a predictable fiasco...
September 18, 2016
Jan Oberg's comments on why the US installs new sanction against Iran even though Iran has fulfilled its promises
September 10, 2016
TFF PressInfo: The War On Terror - A predictable fiasco - By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 388
September 4, 2016
Jan Oberg's comments on Chomsky's assertion that Saudi Arabia supports terrorism and the West knows. Oberg criticises the War On Terror and argues that arms trade to hotspots should be criminalised
August 29, 2016
New TFF PressInfo: How did Western Europe cope with a much stronger Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact? - By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 386
July 27, 2016
TFF PressInfo # 384 - The Clinton's celebrated - but likely disastrous for the world - By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 384
July 26, 2016
TFF PressInfo # 385 - Turkey's Coup - Another example of the West's disintegration - By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 385
July 22, 2016
Jan Oberg's comments on the so-called refugee crisis and what the EU should have done and can still do.
July 16, 2016
Jan Oberg comments on Turkey's coup and NATO
Russia Today, July 16, 2016
July 8, 2016
TFF PressInfo # 383 - Fearology and militarism - But the real enemy is us - By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 383
June 28, 2016
TFF PressInfo # 382 - Cheating Moscow - NATO's dangerous expansion - By Jonathan Power
TFF PressInfo 382
June 29, 2016
TFF PressInfo # 381 - Much stronger than during the First Cold War. Why is NATO so irrational? - By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 381
June 25, 2016
TFF PressInfo # 380 - Brex'it. So Be'it! And now what? - By Johan Galtung
TFF PressInfo 380
June 24, 2016
TFF PressInfo # 379 - The Brexit Shock - Now all is up in the air! - By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 379
June 15, 2016
Jan Oberg in discussion about the New Cold War
"The Heat" on CCTV America lead by Anand Naidoo
June 13, 2016
TFF PressInfo # 378 - A New Cold War Between Russia and the West? - By Jonathan Power
TFF PressInfo 378
June 10, 2016
Jan Oberg's comments on the slow US implementation of the nuclear deal with Iran
June 9, 2016
TFF PressInfo # 377 - Intro to a series: The New Cold War - By Farhang Jahanpour
TFF PressInfo 377
May 30, 2016
TFF PressInfo # 376 - North and South Korea: Can be solved if...! - By Johan Galtung
TFF PressInfo 376
May 26, 2016
TFF PressInfo # 375 - Close Calls: We were closer to nuclear destruction than we knew (2) - By Gunnar Westberg
TFF PressInfo 375
May 26, 2016
TFF PressInfo # 374 - Close Calls: We were closer to nuclear destruction than we knew (1) - By Gunnar Westberg
TFF PressInfo 374
May 25, 2016
TFF PressInfo # 373 - What Obama should do in Hiroshima tomorrow - By Jonathan Power
TFF PressInfo 373
April 29, 2016
TFF PressInfo # 372 - Drop the Just War theory and abolish nuclear weapons - By Mairead Maguire
TFF PressInfo 372
April 4, 2016
Jan Oberg's comments on NATO's 67th Anniversary: Perhaps the West cannot live without enemies?
March 30
TFF PressInfo # 369 - A Sunni-Salafist-Zionist Coalition changing the Middle East? - By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 369
March 28, 2016
Jan Oberg's comments on the EU, the Pope, refugees and the weakening of the US Empire
March 18, 2016
Jan Oberg's comments on the EU/Turkey deal
March 16, 2016
Will the EU become a criminal Union tomorrow? - By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 367
March 15, 2016
Russian withdrawal from Syria: Could it be the beginning of the end? - By Farhang Jahanpour
TFF PressInfo 366
March 4, 2016
Denmark to attack in Syria, too! - By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 365
February 25, 2016
Can we give meaning to the destruction of Syria? - By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 363
February 24, 2016
Iran's elections and the nuclear deal - By Farhang Jahanpour
TFF PressInfo 362
February 12, 2016
The real news about Nobel's peace prize is here - and it is not Trump - By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 361
February 9, 2016
Jan Oberg's comments to NATO's Secretary-General's press conference and NATO's 2015 Report
Four articles on Denmark and Sweden and their refugee policies - By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 357-360
The deeper reason Syria negotiations are doomed - By Jan Oberg
TFF PressInfo 355
Open Letter: Political responsibility in the Nuclear Age - By Richard Falk, David Krieger and Robert Laney
TFF PressInfo 354
TFF launches new online magazine - "Transnational Affairs"
TFF PressInfo 353

Our 30 years with peace - And what happened to world peace? Part I and II
TFF PressInfo 342
TFF turns 30 - Part 2. Jan Oberg on why peace research is about finding solutions.
TFF at 30 - Part 2 Why peace research is about finding solutions from TFF Video Channel on Vimeo.
TFF turns 30 - Part 1. With founders Christina Spannar & Jan Oberg
TFF at 30 - Part 1: How it all began from TFF Video Channel on Vimeo.
Sweden - refugee integration

The third - and current - project is called "Like Bridges Over Dark Water". The overall purpose is to strengthen individuals in transition periods of life. One part of the project deals with the hardships young Afghan boys have had to go through during their long travels alone from their home country, arriving in Sweden without any relatives to welcome them. Telling their stories - and being listened to - by means of texts, drawings and photos is both healing and empowering for these boys.
This project - funded by the Swedish Inheritance Fund - has become a traveling exhibition. First shown at an art gallery in Malmoe, it is still on the move and is being exhibited in libraries, schools and other meeting places. At the openings the boys are there to introduce the exhibition, explain and answer questions by the audience. You can practically see them 'grow'!
More about these projects here, mostly in Swedish

"Reconciliation" - Photo painting by Jan Oberg © 2010